Home Designer Awards Works

Kyle Cooper

His Works

Kyle Cooper created many title sequences throughout his career whether it was on his own or as work thorugh his companies: Imaginary Forces and Prologue Films.

Many of his work was created with the intention of invoking an emotional response; that the work must be more than just the sum of their parts. Many people such as terrence Malick says "Kyle is a great filmaker" and it's due to his use of narrative that forces the audience to look through his work to find clues and plot points that elevate his work all the more.

Credit to MovieTitles (Youtube), Designed by Kyle Cooper

Credit to MovieTitles (Youtube), Designed by Kyle Cooper

Credit to Opening Titles (Youtube), Designed by Kyle Cooper

Credit to L.K. Fanmade (Youtube), Designed by Kyle Cooper

Credit to Ryan Murphy (Youtube), Designed by Kyle Cooper

Now Kyle Cooper has created over 150+ title sequences for so many films and tv/streaming shows and series and many of them have gotten him nominee and winner awards. Many of the projects he has worked on don't particular place credit to him like how credit for designing the title sequence of the film Se7en can be undoubable placed on Kyle Cooper. His working style and his work inspired and impacted many other designers and artists. Commercial companies such as Nike and Chrysler would hire him or ask him for his opinion as well as Broadcasting companies such as those that air shows like: The Walking Dead and American Horror Story. One reason is because Kyle's way of working is that he gets everything within the frame which is the reason why the audience much pay closer attention to the work. They believe that if you can grab and maintain their audiences attention, then it's good, well done creative work.